Alix Boillot

Laurent Perreau

2023 - 2024



Alix Boillot (1992) creates sculptures, installations, set designs, performances and editions. What they all have in common is the quest for a certain side of our humanity – romantic, mystical, playful – which is attached to that which has no other value than the one we attach to it. In other words, it’s about gathering tangible traces of our attachment to the sacred here on earth. A graduate of the École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris, her work has been presented at the Ménagerie de Verre (Paris), Lafayette Anticipations (Paris), Fondation Ricard (Paris), Saint Ignace church during the Nuit Blanche (Paris), Plastique Danse Flore (Versailles), Les Subs (Lyon), CND (Pantin), CNDC (Angers), Festival d’Automne (Paris) and Festival d’Avignon. Among her many collaborations, she has worked with César Vayssié, Ivana Müller, Ola Maciejewska, Robert Cantarella, Dominique Gilliot, Anaïs de Courson, Émilie Labédan and Julien Lacroix.


At Villa Medici, Alix Boillot is deepening her research into water and the containers (natural or artificial) that define its form. From lakes to fountains, water settles heavily, horizontally. His research extends to the water that overflows these rational limits: holy water, that of the rituals of every religion; the water of springs that irrigates numerous myths; the damp, moving souls of melancholy. Rome, the birthplace of the Tiber and a master of water management, the Villa Medici, its gardens and pools, and the ceremonies of the nearby Vatican, provide the ideal terrain for research and experimentation into this poetic and political body.

At Villa Medici

After residency

!Viva Villa! project



Lyon Biennial

in co-production with Biennale de Lyon

21.09.2024 - 05.01.2025 - Lyon

As part of the Lyon Biennial, Alix Boillot presents two salt installations (L’Éternité (2) and Lacrymatoires) and a performance (L’Éternité (1)) on October 12 and 13.

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Vue du MAT Montrelais_Place au dessin 2023

!Viva Villa! project



We're the waves

in co-production with le MAT - centre d'Art contemporain

15.06 - 06.10.2024 - Ancenis region

The MAT program focuses on water in all its forms, from sensitive to poetic to scientific approaches. Following a series of encounters from May 14 to 17, the program includes screenings and workshops open to all, in collaboration with the École des beaux-arts Nantes Saint-Nazaire, the École supérieure d’art et de design TALM and the École primaire Joachim Du Bellay de Montrelais. The “Nous les vagues” exhibition explores local water resources with a transdisciplinary approach.

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Open call fellows annual selection

Each year, the French Academy in Rome - Villa Medici organizes an international competition to select fellows who will be welcomed at the Villa Medici in Rome for a 12-month residency in creation, experimentation and research (residency begins in September, ends in August).

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