Jakuta Alikavazovic
Jakuta Alikavazovic
2013-2014Jakuta Alikavazovic
Period: 2013-2014
Profession: Writer Jakuta Alikavazovic was born in Paris. Ancient École Normale student and adjunct professor of English, she teaches at the ENS at the Sorbonne Nouvelle as well as at the Sorbonne. She has published a collection of novellas for the editions L’Olivier,
Histoires contre nature (Anti-Nature Stories) and three novels:
Corps volatils (Prix Goncourt for a first novel 2008),
Le Londres-Louxor (2010) and
La Blonde et le Bunker (Prix Wepler – Special Mention of the Jury 2012). She has been periodically invited to reflect upon the relationship between literature and visual arts (NYU Paris, Museum of Fine Arts in Lyons…). She has contributed to numerous group publications and has worked on the archives of the Space Observatory of the CNES (for the revue
Espace(s) . She has devoted herself to writing and translating since 2011. At Villa Medici, Jakuta Alikavazovic will create a story entitled L’
central in homage to a Roman site, the Istituto centrale per il restauro e la conservazione del patrimonio archivistico e librario (Central Institute for the Restoration and Conservation of Archivistical and Book Heritage) of via Milano, a sort of “book hospital” where the damages caused by time or human negligence on precious volumes and rare manuscripts are averted. This patient work of restoration is a counteraction to the cultural destructions of the XX th century and more specifically, the fire at the Sarajevo Library in August 1992.