Les Jours de France à Rome

For the fifth edition of Les Jours de France à Rome , the French Academy in Rome presents two films : Une Journée à Rome , by Francesca Comencini (Italy, 2012) Thursday 8 May 2014 | 8.30 pm – Open entry until filled to capacity. The President of the Commissione Cultura del Comune di Rom a Michela Di Biase will be present at the screening. Two days in Paris , by Julie Delpy (France-Germany, 2007) Friday 9 May 2014 | 8.30 pm – Open entry until filled to capacity . The President of the Commissione Cultura del Municipio Annalisa Secchi will be present at the screening. Les Jours de France à Rome celebrates the twinning between the III Arrondissement of Rome and the XIII Arrondissement of Paris. From the 5 May to the end of the event, several conferences and screenings devoted to the cinema of the modern society are scheduled.
